Oh, LORD my God, surly you are great.
Your ways are the ways of uprightness, and the
example of perfection.
You speak and the mountains melt as though they
were ice thrown into the furnace.
Your power is greater than all the legions of
the hands of darkness gathered together with one accord.
Darkness flees before your presence, the sound
of your voice splinters the ground beneath my enemies, the hearts of brave
worriers become as dust when they see your might.
Wholly I
am blessed profoundly and so vastly are my blessing that a lifetime of journey
could not carry me from them.
adversary calls my name and violently condemns me to my face and comes up
quickly to destroy me, but you my God turn your heart of compassion and mercy
towards me, you deliver me from the encompassing armies formed against me.
You turn your might against my enemies and they
flee until their feet bleed, and they cry at last in the far wilderness, tired
and weary they do perish those who rise against me.
My God, my eyes do recognize your greatness,
and my heart proclaims with joy overflowing your unyielding love. My table
breaks under the stress of the blessings you have laid upon it, surly I am
unable to eat even a portion of your rich gifts you abundantly poured on me for
they are so vast.
myself I produce corruptness and folly, yet your immeasurable grace you poor
over me till I am cleaned once more.
Though you have just cause to condemn me, you
throw the judgment down thunderously and it shatters on the ground and it is
trampled on until it turns to fine powder and blows away forgotten and seen no
Joy overflows within me until my eyes overflow
abundantly. I am tossed in a sea of doubt and frustration; drowning in despair
I shout a cry of wretched fear but the sound of my destruction crushes my voice
and I myself cannot even hear it, I desperately stretch my hands to you, and
you answer my need.
mighty hand, my God, it stretches down from above and lifts me up out of my
darkest hour and sets me above the power of darkness geared against me, and
from above I look down and no longer do I fear because I know you brought me
safely to where you are.
powers of the world do rise to destroy me, but they find no strength to stand,
and they fall before me because of your presence.